


年龄: 49
家乡及/或原籍国: 奇科皮,马
主要/程序: 办公室行政助理专业- OAAP.AS
十大彩票平台学期: 5
语言: 英语
至今(学期、学年): 2021年秋季


爱好/兴趣: 我喜欢阅读, 烹饪, 步行和/或远足, basically anything outdoors or that includes eating a good meal!
最喜欢的食物: 本 & 杰瑞的樱桃加西亚冷冻酸奶
最喜欢的电影: 美丽心灵
最喜欢的音乐/音乐家: 目前喜欢萨德,但阿黛尔和蒂朵也有共鸣.
关于我的一个有趣的事实 我喜欢学习新事物——越多越好!
我喜欢我的辅导项目的原因是……..: I really love the connections developed with students needing tutoring. 尤其是当一切都很遥远的时候, the tutoring program at least partially replaced the missing interaction with other students. 最重要的是, when a student has that moment when they grasp the concept we were working on together…that moment when the student makes the connection and understands the concept they sought help with.
作为一名导师,我希望通过…….: My goal is to help students work independently with an improved level of self-confidence.
谁是你心目中的英雄,为什么? My current hero is Vice President Kamala Harris because she is a history maker as the first-ever female vice-president.
你希望别人怎样记住你? I want to be remembered as an individual who cared about each student's needs and was willing to accommodate schedules that were outside of my working hours, 只要有可能, 是有用的, and trying to make a positive difference in every student's experience at 十大彩票平台.




年龄: 20
家乡及/或原籍国: 马萨诸塞州十大彩票平台
主要/程序: 文科
十大彩票平台学期: 3
课程的支持: 写作
语言: 1
至今(学期、学年): 2022年秋季


爱好/兴趣: 我喜欢阅读、户外活动和涂色. 我喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光. My favorite genre of books is mystery and science fiction.
最喜欢的食物: My favorite food is chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream.
最喜欢的电影: Sicario 
最喜欢的音乐/音乐家: 我没有最喜欢的音乐家.
关于我的一个有趣的事实 I love cleaning because I find it very satisfying and relaxing. 我喜欢清理乱七八糟的东西. 对我来说越乱越好.
我喜欢我的辅导项目的原因是……..: 我可以帮助学生做作业. 我在学校总是需要很多帮助, especially when it came to writing so it’s nice to be able to help others.  
作为一名导师,我希望通过…….: 帮助他们对自己的写作能力充满信心. One of my favorite sayings is every winner was once a beginner. I hope to help students overcome their fear of writing, and be able to enjoy the process.
谁是你心目中的英雄,为什么? My mom is my hero because she is very compassionate, empathic, and kind. 她是我认识的最坚强的人之一. My mom has taught me how important it is to be kind and accepting toward others. 她让我明白了宽恕的重要性. My mom is the one who taught me how important it is to help those around me. I have no idea where I would be today if it weren’t for her guidance.
你希望别人怎样记住你? I want to be remembered for the things that I have done, and the places I have gone.






年龄: 20
家乡及/或原籍国: 溪谷,纽约州
主要/程序: Professional 写作/Digital Film and Media at Bay Path University
十大彩票平台学期: 6
课程的支持: 任何课程的英语写作
语言: 英语
至今(学期、学年): 2020年春季


爱好/兴趣: 写作,看电影,听音乐
最喜欢的食物: 雪蟹腿
最喜欢的电影: 《蜜蜂的秘密生活
最喜欢的音乐/音乐家: 惠特尼休斯顿
关于我的一个有趣的事实 我目前正在学习瑞典语!
我喜欢我的辅导项目的原因是……..: 我们在每门课上都帮助学生.
作为一名导师,我希望通过…….: 让他们对犯错感到自在.
谁是你心目中的英雄,为什么? 我的狗. She’s sweet and unapologetically carefree which is something I’d like to be one day.
你希望别人怎样记住你? A person who did the best she could and was a lot of fun to hang out with!



年龄: 17
家乡及/或原籍国: 西十大彩票平台,马萨诸塞州
主要/程序: 决定/双录取
十大彩票平台学期: 4
课程的支持: 英语或任何需要书面作业的课程
语言: 英语
至今(学期、学年):  2022年秋季学期


爱好/兴趣: 足球、烘焙/烹饪、锻炼 & 举重
最喜欢的食物: 玉米沙拉
最喜欢的电影: 卑鄙的我
最喜欢的音乐/音乐家: 流行
关于我的一个有趣的事实 我出生在2004年的感恩节.
我喜欢我的辅导项目的原因是……..: What I love about my tutoring program is the opportunity to meet new people and not only help them learn through their studies in 英语 but also learn about them as people, 他们的故事是通过他们的写作和想法来讲述的. This program offers so many resources to students and tutors, 我迫不及待地想见到更多的同龄人. 
作为一名导师,我希望通过…….: 作为导师, I hope to help students by providing them with a safe and comfortable place to come with their inquiries and guide them through their coursework while also giving them strategies and ways to conquer challenges they face outside their tutoring sessions.
谁是你心目中的英雄,为什么? My hero is my dad because he has always been my rock and can help me find reason and logic in the most stressful and intense situations.
你希望别人怎样记住你? I want to be remembered as a kind and understanding individual. 善良是一项容易被忽视的简单任务, and I hope to ensure that I am and inspire others to be kind and understanding. Today's world begs for compassion, which is often not received. 然而, I hope to be recognized as always willing to listen and appreciate others' differences and what makes them unique.